Case Studies > Consul of the Arab Emirates > Princes Gate

Project Overview

Complete external and internal basement refurbishment (approx 2,500 ft2) plus the refurbishment and tanking of 14 basement vaults.


Timeframe: The building is owned by the Government of the UAE and acts as the UK passport office and Consulate. Amongst the many changes to the project, where that the building is highly sensitive with regards to security and also that the daily business of the consul could not be disrupted.

This called for meticulous planning of the work to ensure that safe access was maintained for public and staff as well as strict adherence to time frames.

Key processes

Programme: As a result of the many restrictions, detailed planning and risk assessments were carried out for all phases of the work to ensure that no delays would affect the critical path to the completion date. In addition, specific milestone dates were fixed for IT and Comms switchovers which were in turn coordinated across the departments simultaneously.


Project delivered to the required dates and within the agreed budget.

Main project elements included:
